Sunday, December 2, 2012

USB Port Installed

I think it's fair to say this project is done. The system is fully operational. I made 3 parts to secure the USB port. Here's a screenshot of the CAD design for the part that holds the end of the board where the USB cable plugs in. I forgot to take a picture of it.

The fit of the USB board is real nice. I had to file the cabinet opening a bit, then I tapped the part in and it's quite snug. Then I made 2 parts to secure the board in the inside:

I just used some scrap material for this. The plexiglas machines quite nicely I think.

I did the CAD design above in ViaCAD. I'm running the trial copy of the 2D/3D version. I'm quite impressed by the product. It's quite advanced, as far as I know. I was pretty happy with QCad and ViaCAD blows it away. It's also very reasonably priced at $100. I got it 20% off.

I generated the tool path with HeeksCAD. My impression of HeeksCAD seems to degrade the more I work with it. I had high hopes initially. Same goes for PyCAM. PyCAM was supposed to release a significant version a year ago. I find the current release pretty unworkable since I'm not needing full 3D paths and PyCAM's pocketing is very basic.

There are some CAM libraries written in C/C++ but I can't figure out how to leverage them in my project. I wrote a basic pocketing routine a year or so ago using the Java Topology Suite. It looks like I'm going to have to pick that up again and see about reading in a DXF file to generate profile, engraving, and pocketing paths.

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