Sunday, May 29, 2011

Motor Mounts, E-stop, Limit Switches

The stepper motor mounts, and e-stop button and limit switches came via UPS the other day. The stepper motor mounts represent almost half the budget for this project. Well that might be a stretch, I'm definitely over budget now. The mounts were $250 and my original budget was $600. I very briefly considered making my own motor mounts but read a few articles on it and decided I didn't want to do any major mechanical work. I'm not a great machinist nor mechanical engineer and I'm sure I would have spent a lot of time making something that didn't work so well. Another machinist wrote that the Sherline motor mount was pricey but well worth it. And it certainly looks good:

The piece at the lower left is the shaft coupler. The part that looks like grooves is actually cuts that go most of the way through. This allows the coupler to flex if the lead screw and motor shafts are not perfectly aligned. I had seen pictures of people who had fashioned their own mounts that used a short length of tubing as a coupler. Nowhere did I read that the hose made for a good universal joint. I'm sure I would have screwed that part up if I had designed and fabricated it myself.

It's pretty tempting to go forth and mount the stepper motors. The firmware is running in manual mode and automatic/programmed mode. It looks to be in pretty good shape, but I know software and there is plenty of room for bugs in this code. So I've got to take some safety precautions first.

Here's the e-stop button: 

This is the most important safety precaution. If the software goes nuts I need to be able to stop the machine from destroying itself. There are a lot of options for wiring in an e-stop button. In real industrial environments, the e-stop button kills the power to everything. I think this is overkill in my situation. I feel pretty confident that the stepper motor driver board is not going to wig out. It's my software I'm not so sure about. I could hook it up to an I/O pin on the microcontroller and simply poll the state. If it's on, shutdown the stepper process. This requires the polling code to be functioning properly. I could also wire it to an external hardware interrupt pin. This would result in a certain service routine being called immediately when the state changes. This is better but still relies on the stepper routine honoring whatever change to state the service routine makes.

Another option is to hook it up to the hard-reset pin. Closing the switch would cause the microcontroller to reset and the firmware to reboot. This seemed like the best idea for a while. I have noticed that resetting the microcontroller causes small movements of the steppers. (Opening a serial connection resets the microcontroller. This behavior can be changed but it's useful for certain things I don't want to get into now.) Uploading the firmware to the microcontroller causes a lot of whacky behavior, one stepper moves quite a bit. There's probably some work around to this that I haven't investigated yet, but here's the better idea.

Way back, I described the opto-isolation circuit that separates the laptop and microcontroller from the stepper driver. Since no electricity flows across this gap, both sides have power and ground. The microcontroller can send step signals all day long, but if the stepper driver side doesn't have power, the signals will not be received. The stepper driver side of the opto circuit is powered from a tap of a 5V test pad. My plan is to run this line through the e-stop button (normally closed). This means at any time, even with full power to the steppers, I can disable the stepper driver. An emergency condition is obvious but also for uploading or resetting the microcontroller I can be sure the motors aren't going to move. It's possible that running the power all the way out to the control panel and back may be problematic. I'm not an electronics expert either, but I may run into some noise or other interference that may cause problems. We'll see. Now that I think about it, I could interrupt the power on either side of the opto. I'll consider which might be best.

Here's a limit switch:

The limit switches are pretty much the same thing as the arcade button switches but are "normally closed" only while the arcade buttons could work either way. Limit switches are considered by some to be optional on such small equipment. I've read that other folks with steppers consider the steppers too weak to do damage as the motors will stall first. My motors are pretty beefy. Perhaps too strong for the mill. I don't know that they will do damage to the mill running into the hard stops, but I do know that I am likely to make mistakes and I'd like to take all reasonable safety moves.

When running a program, pressing any of the 6 directional buttons will "pause" the program. This will likely be a hard stop. This should be useful for situations where I'm not really sure I've set things up right but it's not an emergency. The buttons are polled in the main loop. It's possible, although unlikely that polling could miss a state change. As described above, I intend to hook up the limit switches to a hardware interrupt to avoid any delays or misses by the main loop polling. The limit switches are wired in series (normally closed) so any break in the path will trigger the shutdown.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Acceleration Implementation

Last January I put together my most elaborate post on the acceleration solution. It's got lots of math, geometry, and pretty pictures. As I was writing it I was imagining the world reading it, critiquing it, learning from it, I don't know. I put a lot of effort into it, especially since I had to write it twice having lost the first draft somehow.

I spent the last 2 weeks or so coding the acceleration solution. The post I produced was really helpful for remembering the solution. It would have been really hard to write if all I had was my crappy sketches on paper. So I may have like 2 people reading this blog but it's serving me quite well.

Here's another test path designed to hit the three scenarios described in the other post:


And the preview:

The yellow and purple lines are the path, the alternating colors to help see the different moves for debugging (a pair of purple lines together would indicate a "double point"). The brightness of the cubes (points) is proportional to the speed as the spindle moves through the point. I ran this on the machine and it looked good. The acceleration algorithm is based on the "full acceleration distance" or the distance it takes the spindle to move from zero to full speed. I just guessed at 1/2 an inch for this and it seems to work well. I'll write some code in the firmware to determine it very accurately later.

I've been using Java/Processing and a library called toxiclibs to write the host software. I write Java for a living so that's no big deal. Processing provides the 3D animation / visualization aspect. Toxiclibs provides a boat load of geometry classes that has made the path manipulation super easy. It's got 3D Vectors, Lines, etc. It's got routines for calculating the length of 3D lines, angles between them, even for splitting lines. I haven't had to use The Pythagorean Theorem at all. If it weren't for this technology the host software would be way too much work. I'm pretty psyched.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

First Tool Path Run

I spent the last week or two working on the communication layer between the host and microcontroller. I explained the simple protocol in the last post, just 2 numbers, a command and an argument. I fleshed out both sides so it's now pretty easy to insert new commands and responses. The firmware side was already able to process a series of moves from the buffer. I built the host side of the same process. Back in December I posted this picture from the host path simulator:

I successfully ran this tool path from the host all the way to the stepper motors! That's pretty cool. The speed is arbitrary, there is no acceleration aside from the smooth start from zero to some moderate speed. The next step is to work over the host software and apply the acceleration/speed control algorithm. This seems like it's going to feel like work. Hopefully it will all work out in code the way the formula appears in writing.